Saturday, April 29, 2017

Detailed breakdown of political situation for Eastern Europe and rest of the world in 2017

Update on political asylum procedure in Belarus(April 29th, 2017)....
I break political situation for Eastern Europe and worldwide(how one effects world and how world is effected by one today)...US involvement in this part of the world is revealed in details(so called "opposition" etc.)...

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

US F-35 fighters vs RS-28 ‘Satan 2’ nuclear missiles...who wins and who loses !!????

News is becoming outrageous !!! Read CNN reports US F-35 fighters to train near Russia and Ready to kill one another Where are you today Donald J. Kushner Trump !!????

The answer on who wins:

Number one place goes to state of Israel !!! Total victory(from free healthcare, Israeli's welfare, and newest FREE American military and other technology = all comes out of your own pockets and you get to listen news they want you to listen and watch...sure is insanity if you consider that Americans alone don't have affordable healthcare... , , etc...). All you get to listen is "6 million" and watch 3rd world taking over(you become stranger in your own land with blink of an eye and no longer only in US) while becoming progressively were born to be dissident and human rights activist(read THIS and THIS)...Israeli's neighboring countries(not only is Palestine gone) all the way to Afghanistan are now flattened(bombarded the shit out of it and will not recuperate in 1000 years)....

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Goodbye to patriotic Julian Assange who have sacrificed himself for American people when they needed him the most. More about American "Free Speech" tallies....

I DO NOT approve Donald J. Kushner Trump for president of united States of America !!! What we witnesses here is national and international disgrace !!! And it is one of many...Donald J. Kushner Trump didn't go after me only, but also after many other activists as you see(after whomever supported him)...

ZIO Donald J. Kushner Trump pushes Russia in the arms of China

Cards are out and Lukashenko blasts Western network of Rothschild's corrupt scavengers who want to rob and impoverish(destroy) Belarus people !!!

Its not about democracy(what US and EU truly are - click HERE), its not about helping Belarus either(exactly the opposite)...what is it all about !!????? Who profits and how !!???

WIFI joking at Viva Hostel in Minsk and Youtube paranoia

Video can be also seen at:

Friday, April 21, 2017

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Green Party mob in Britain is bargaining for age discrimination against legal age voters(from 18 and up) to secure Marxist goals on behalf of corrupt elites against white British people...nobody knows anything about Brexit anymore...

Just look at the behavior of this corrupt Marxist "Green Party" thugs("yeah...yeah...yeah...")...its a mob and British youngsters are now raised in a very same manner(not similar, but same)...these days, even kids(not only in UK, but across the European continent) build their future careers based on willingness to stab people with national pride values and strong ethics in their backs...its how careers are secured and schools(colleges/universities) are nothing more than nests of Marxism where youngsters are thought on how to follow and support "leaders"(become like them to secure future "jobs")...

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Visit !!! This is where/when white genocide ends !!! UNITED WE WIN; DIVIDED WE FALL !!!

Welcome to Auser Times forum !!! Feel free to post news related to our cause. Your own articles(either from news sites or own stories) are welcome...your ideas are welcome...

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

This is how much telephone costed to make 70 Euros worth plane reservation from Lviv to Minsk...

I finally(almost 6 hours) made reservation and am quite speechless. Slovenia is a "safe" state...real heaven - what else can I say...I will have flight to Minsk hopefully on Thursday(got a very good deal that will pay me two days here in hostel, will save money being here in Lviv, and will finally get to see Kiev as well because its a transfer flight). Ticket costed 70 Euros and bellow you can see hos much SLOVENIAN online verification costed...I have nothing to lie you(I will place everything online)...see for yourself...yes, I am very very safe with this safety feature...I don't have to worry how someone would steal me debit card. Thank you Slovenia


I am not allowed to even use debit card any more...they send wrong codes, so I couldn't make reservations online and spend as much as possible money on telephone calls...this people are beasts !!! Trying to make single plane reservation already since 10am this morning(its 3pm here in Lviv now). ALL AUDIO RECORDED just like everything else !!!

Leaving for Minsk...a bit hurt, bit its okay...

I was so hurt(insulted) by Ukrainian government(it is what followed me since individual at McDonalds lied about me how I am a Russian rat), that I have lost $70 when creating the plane reservation to Minsk yesterday. Had people follow me all over the town to signal passersby whenever I would acquire with anyone for directions etc, so nobody would grant me help...people would indirectly suggest "Russian..Russian...spy...etc.." as I walked I just wanted to go as fast as possible from Lviv...not cool !!! Vey very unpleasant and specially unpleasant when something like this is done to individual like myself.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

5 Facebook accounts suspended...

All my Facebook accounts except are censored...I am not allowed to login in 5 accounts...why is this good !!??? OK...just so if I don't post updates that you know why(I will probably be gone as well)...they don't do this for no reason !!!

Once am sold, you will be next in line(am sure you do understand that - I will not have to explain you in the future why so)...

VIDEO: Polish authorities don't allow American and European Union citizen to approach international border crossing.

VIDEO: Polish authorities don't allow American and European Union citizen to approach international border crossing at Belarus/Polish border crossing known as .
Video can be also seen at:
You have no right to approach Belarus border crossing guard !!! This is a European Marxist Union ruled by corrupt Zionist gangsters and is established to kill its own and American white citizens(freedom of speech is forbidden) !!! Go back inside of EU torture chamber and shut(best would be for you to die or rotten in Israel) up !!!

PROGRESS ON POLITICAL POLITICAL ASYLUM IN UKRAINE - will keep you updated on situation...

PROGRESS ON POLITICAL POLITICAL ASYLUM APPLICATION PROGRESS IN UKRAINE: No my friends...there was no police across the street as google maps have suggested me...

I made it to Ukraine, Lviv....

Don't believe what  ZIO gov. tells you in Eastern part of Europe yourself...beautiful people and beautiful culture. Not even a capital of Ukraine, and look what little known Lviv looks like...any country could be proud of city like that...come and see it for yourself !!! Yes, I am in Ukraine !!!

Will apply with Ukrainian authorities for protection this morning...

Thursday, April 13, 2017

War for freedom at Terespol !!! Not allowed to even approach to biggest border crossing between Poland and Belarus - total oppression !!!

No nothing...I pushed again yesterday and this time I have exercised what should have been my basic right, but was denied one by Polish government who have gone as far as disallowing me to talk to Belorussian officers at the international Terespol's crossing point(main entry exit between Poland and Belarus)...

Monday, April 10, 2017

URGENCY: Israel trying to hijack me and Hungarian police refuses to assist me !!!

Israel trying to hijack me from from hostel at Feher Hajo Utca 10 in Budapest(hostel Backpackers), and Hungarian police says in non emergency and have to walk to police station....

Police officer's name is Iran Gafi(was told that he is not even Hungarian name and his language skills are extremely good - sounds more like white American to me). Have called numbers 911, 112, 107 and was always transferred to this guy !!! Why - how !!???

Suggested to drink vine by one of the guests(Hungarian) on what I was suggested if I would like to try pill that looked dark but that is viagra...

I never took viagra in my life, so I checked what viagra looks looks totally different and is blue...

They talked ten minutes in Hungarian infront of me while occasionally looking at me, but I did catch words "Isreal, Ben Gurion airport,...Hungary..."...

Packed my shit and was out on the trying to get assistance some other way....any way I can...


Owner of the hostel also mentioned earlier(upon my arrival) that guy(Hungarian) who sleeps under me will only stay till Monday...what is today if not Monday !!????

All audio recorded !!!

WHAT NOW !!???

Video can be also seen at

Friday, April 7, 2017

Was suggested by CIA weirdos under MKULTRAS who are here in Budapest that at one point I will just disappear to US...well, here is my advice for you criminals...


I may record video on this issues as well...I searched and searched for internet last evening(lets just say that a very good place for stay otherwise, have suddenly become a bit too crowdy not cheese, but crowded with risks - for my taste) and have therefore continued to work on project as seen bellow(went straight 50 hours without sleep)...

And so as I walked "Las Vegas"(just like Las Vegas, Budapest is also city that never sleeps and its how I refer to one as due to other mentioned issues), and I have wondered all the way to the other side of the town in a location which I will not publicly mention(its a public place and its not gonna make any difference other than creating a temporary inconvenience for agencies), but where CIA and Russian KGB are based together(in very same building -  yes). It may sound funny to you, but that is the case...

Well...poor me have continued to work across the night all the way to the morning hours when apparatchiks have climbed out of their beds and have come to load their empty stomaches for the "productive" day ahead with best Hungarian food and top hospitality one can possibly imagine....

And so I worked and worked on this 3 hours long project and have eventually exchanged with Mr CIA boss for Hungary verbal greetings(we greeted one another) that very morning...he was also kind enough to send me two Russian operatives to check the titles of my videos(videos as seen bellow) who have reported him back with details etc(had laptop positioned in a way so that those wouldn't have problems seeing video titles of videos that converter worked on...I have also take a short walk to keep myself awake....make things as easy as possible for them to get my message across).

Here is the second portion of message CIA....pack your boys and get out of my way scum !!! I really want you out of the Europe !!!

As far as Russian KGB in Budapest.... if I were Putin, I do throw out every single immigration officer out of Andrassy 106 and every single KGBchick out of here mentioned location !!! As a matter of fact, I would dismiss them from any further government services because of conspiracy committed against Russian and white people worldwide(inlc. Americans who have as a result of this operatives no alternative other than to comply with genocide) !!!

You are fascist ZIO aggressor America and I am determined to kick your ass out of Europe and America(it will start here, but will not end here - that I guarantee you !!!) !!! STAY OUT OF MY WAY SCUM(was suggested by CIA weirdos under MKULTRAS who are here in Budapest that at one point I will just disappear to US, is my advice for you criminals....think twice about that !!! You are dealing with me and not shitty weaklings like yourself, and trust me...I really don't like you...I have never ever worked for you and I never ever will work for you...what you have committed are firm acts of genocide against are a threat to humanity and as such have to be terminated - I will not waste my time in your shitty government agency to give you excuse for genocide and disburse you from financial liabilities related to my have to find yourself another "Christ"...I have agenda...I have credibility...I got goals and am not career oriented, but instead result driven individual...I am ambitious even more than I was...what do you have !!?????) !!!


I don't mind you at all to work together(it can be very effective due to safety, cost reductions, and can bring people together on a long term if mutual gradual improvements meet goals, but this is just not the case at this time when our countries are under ZIO USAUSSR attack and we have corrupt apparatchiks and politicians covering up enemy's ass !!!), but do mind corruption(I hate corruption with passion) !!! 

Throw them out Mr. Putin !!! No wonder that I got such reception(total arrogance and unwillingness to humanely relate to persecuted victim in any even play down his will to fight for survival - BEYOND DISGUSTING !!!) at Andrassy 106 !!!